Take FUN seriously.

Daniel Longfellow

  • Born in Washington, D.C.   
  • Got some big art awards in High School.     
  • Dean’s Scholar, Boston University SFA graduating in 3 years BFA 94.   
  • I painted Copenhagen, Denmark UP in the mid 90’s.   
  • Scholarship to CALARTS and studied Experimental Animation MFA 01.   
  • Taught kids to animate in inner city LA.   
  • Digitally restored Brando and Bogart films for Hollywood.
  • Painted over 1 km² of public art in Norway. 
  • Painted 65 busstops along 135 km of Sognefjord, Norway.
  • Still teaching, painting and making cool stuff.

Magical Brush


Capturing the essence is more challenging than it appears. My favorite pursuit is capturing the mood or moment, infusing it with depth and emotion, and translating it onto canvas with each brushstroke.

Public Works

Painting in large formats is incomparable, and public murals continue to provide me with the same exhilaration I felt when I completed my first mural at age 15. The scale and public visibility amplify the impact of my art, making each project a thrilling journey of creativity and connection with the community.



Fjord Monster


The Secret is Down There

Under the serene surface of Norway’s fjords thrives a universe of unique creatures! Over the past decade, I’ve painted 135 kilometers, enjoying every moment of this incredible journey. Decorating 65 bus stops from Lavik to Sogndal is part of a broader concept I’m currently developing, adding depth and meaning to each location.